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Number 7. Notice people's attitude such as how people think about time, personal space, how to treat foreigners, or just general notions of what is right and what is wrong. Pay attention to how people respond to inappropriate behavior. Note what clues you use to figure out the attitudes of the people in the new place.Since I have been in England I feel a lot is the same as it is back home. The only real difference is when someone is doing something 'inappropriate'. Everyone has different thought of what is and what is not appropriate. But in England it seems that if someone is breaking the rules, or behaving badly not many people will go out of their way to tell the person straight. This is the difference between here and home. In the US I feel if someone was cutting in line or something along those lines a strange would point it out in front of everyone, just to make that person stop. Or maybe not even to make them stop but to tell their opinion about the situation. Here I believe I have seem people wanting to say something but end up keeping their mouth shut. It could be that I am reading their body language wrong but I don't think so, obviously. When a person is staring at you giving you 'the eye', everyone knows that you should stop what you are doing. There are always those people that do not get those nice little looks. So then the annoyed person starts to cough a little. This is the closest I have seen someone here say something to someone who is behaving badly. I think that people back at home f
eel that they do not have the time to be annoyed with the situation so they just speak their mind. I have always tried to keep an open mind when meeting new people. So when I came over here I tried do keep that thought on top of my brain. I have to say so far it has done me well. I say this because there are just such big ranges of types of people that live over here just like at home. So far I haven't really found one trait that sticks with people. I think about how people do not speak up over here, well I just may have not come across that type of person yet. Lucky me. But I feel the best way to get a true way of hoe people are is to try to blend in. Doing things other peoples way, may make you look at things different. (And with these pictures I'm not trying to say that only old ladies get mad, google just didn't have any good looking angry men, so...try to take it as a compliment (: )
4. Noticed what surprises you in this new place. Pay attention to how you react to things that you don't expect or that you don't understand. Note which surprises are pleasant and which ones are uncomfortable.For the most part here in England I haven't had that many surprises. It is just a little different than back at home. I think that this has a lot to do with everyone speaking the same language, just slightly different meanings. The main place that I was surprised was when I was in Italy. The first few experiences I found were uncomfortable and unpleasant. First, we get off the plane and find the information desk. I automatically assumed that people that were to provide information to travelers would normally be friendly people. Well, I was wrong. If looks could kill, both Katie and I would be dead in the airport. All we asked was how to get to our hotel. The answer we got is a map with some lines draw on it and that we needed to take a bus there. Now where the bus was, we did n
ot get that information. Or maybe we did but, I am sorry I do not understand mumbling English. It seems the only thing she decided to grant us with was the speaking of English, other than that we were on our own. I found that funny for the information desk. After deciding that there was no way we would find this magically bus we tried to get a taxi. All the taxis outside were lined up with no drivers in them. And standing outside of an airport I could not tell who was a driver and who was not. Finally i spotted a person in the drivers seat. So I naturally went up to him and was planning on asking a question about the taxis. As soon as I went up to the window and popped my head in he just stared at me and before I could get 'Hi, Can you hel-...' out he said 'I do not speak English'. Funny the way it is, he spoke that clearer than the information lady. So it makes me wonder if his nose grew a little after I walked away. After that we found a cab who dropped us off in the area of where our hotel was susposed to be. After walking up and down the same street this sweet waiter at a cafe helped us out. Even with opening the front door to the hotel (there were two security doors to get through the the main door). After we checked in we had to get some food. As soon as we walked out the same waiter came over and asked us to sit down and get a bite to eat. God bless him, he was the sweetest waiter we could have had. After that everytime we walked into or out of our hotel and saw him he would wave and say hello to us. After those two experinces I have to look back and see if maybe I had given off the wrong vibe or something. But with the information lady I know I had not. So when people give me attitude when I am asking a question, I find it easier just to give it back. I know that they will not help me just because I do not speak thier language. I know that it is immature to d
o that but it makes me feel better. If your not going to be nice to me for NO reason then I won't be nice to you for NO reason. But then sometimes that pushes them to actaully help you because that shows that your not a push-over. I tend to do this back at home, it is nothing new to me. It is just the way that I am wired. But it is mostly with strangers that refuse to do thier job. And it is sad to get so excited when some strange actually goes out of thier way just a little and helps me. It makes me think that there are some nice people out there. And that this doesnt just happen in the US or Italy, it happens everywhere.
Italy: Describe the architecture and the formal landscapes. Describe the gift shop(s). Explain the relationships you see between Byron's poems about the Abby (or Childe Harold in Italy). Contrast Rome with your experience of Sherwood Forest and the Yorkshire moors. Explain the influence these places might have had on the authors in the context of their writing.As soon as I stepped off the plane I had realized Rome was going to be some kind of experience. Airports are normally at least a little chaotic, but Romes' airport was worse than Orlando's and Atlanta's airport put together, but 1/18th the size. Then we had getting to our hotel. I am 21 and I thought I had multiple mini heart attacks on the way there. I always thought that when there are lines painted on the road, they were there for something. But in Rome I guess it is used as some sort of art work because no one seemed to pay ANY attention to them at all. It was like we were driving along and all of a sudden the cabi is trying to fit this car where I would not even try to squeeze my body through. Finally we make it to our hotel. The first thing I realize is the atmosphere. It has almost done at complete 180. It is the peaceful beautiful Rome I had
always thought about. Beautiful buildings designed in a Tuscany architecture, with flowers over hanging everywhere. Color is just everywhere. And It seemed the places that did not have color, they seemed to put it right in. Rome did not have many flower beds or things of that nature. But what Rome did have was huge parks. One of the only reason's we were able to find any certain place in Rome was because we most likely got lost. But that normally turned out to be a good thing. While we were walking around for every block there was at least 2 'Roma' gift shops. At these places the only thing that a person could find there was some object with 'I Love Roma' on it. If you wanted you Italy t shirt to say anything else...tough luck on your part. But on one of our many trips into the streets of Rome we did stumble across a store t
hat gave us a good laugh. The store was called 'Byron'. The main person we have been searching everywhere for. We made a point to ask our tour guide's about him and the only thing we could get out of that was there MAYBE something about him in the park. Instead of finding a real statue of him. We found a contemporary clothing store. Now to say this store was named after him, I personally could not tell you. But I did find this situation funny. But I did feel like Rome would suit Byron pretty well. While we were getting the tours through Rome he reminded me a lot of the Romans. All about themselves. The beautiful people, the festivals at the Colosseum with people fighting huge animals(for fun?) and parties congratulating Constantine on his victory. With them, I think Byron would have fit it very well. Maybe that is why he loved
to travel so much, he felt more 'at home' with the more self centered people at that time. When I think about what Byron loved and thought was beautiful the quote, 'beauty is in the eyes of the beholder' really stands out in my mind. Yes, Rome is beautiful. But one of the reason it is beautiful is the place. The exotic nature and architecture. Not the lavish parties and whatever would go with that. But maybe that is what Byron thought was beautiful. I think that is why I enjoyed Robin Hood a lot more than Byron. Robin Hood stuck to his gr
ounds and took what was given to him (Sherwood Forest) as saw how beautiful it was without all the glam and makeup. I believe the forest has a more powerful effect on people than the places Byron was talking about. Thus, showing why I just do not really enjoy him that much.