Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Numebr 2.

2. Pay special attention to the buildings and landscapes where you are living and taking classes. Notice the layout of the town you are living in and the places where you go for entertainment. Pay attention to how the grocery store and drug store organizes the products. Notice how people interact in these locations.

When I first arrived here I was not surprised at what I saw. The town and the manor were everything I had expected to see. It did help that I had seen some pictures of the place before I had came over. But there was one thing that did surprise me. When we were walking around out first day we walked through a neighborhood. It was like any other one back in the states with the lines of houses and cars. Then we turned the corner so the houses would be perpendicular to us walking. So then we saw the backs of the houses and back yards. And instead of having a regular back yard in the suburbs, it seemed that we were in the country. There were horses and fields everywhere. When I think about going into the country I think about driving to Harrison and how it gradually gets more 'country' but this was like black and white. It was a nice suburban neighborhood and then BAM fields of horses. And I have to say the horses were pretty cute. Other than that it was all wht I expected to see. All the buildings besides the house seem old and have a mixture between being gothic and romantic I think. It is hard to say whether I was surprised about the landscape or not. I was not surprised about how much more of it is here and how it is prettier than back at home. But I was surprised about how it is so constant throughout the EU(of what I have seen so far). And when I think about that it almost gives me a sublime feeling (I know your going to love that, Ruth). And when I put the buildings with the landscape the culture over here it makes complete sense. Everyone loves nature, but over here it seems more respected. And it the books that we have read so far the landscape has a very important role in the story. So I think that the surrondings over here play a bigger part in the culture than it would back home.


  1. It is interesting to think about why the landscape would be so much more attended to here than in Cincinnati. One thing, I think, is walking. More people walk on the Public Footpaths and it is a national pastime to "go walking". In Cincinnati, sometimes there are places where you just can't walk from point A to point B. In Harrison, even when you are out in the country, there is nowhere to walk to enjoy the country because it is all private property. You can only drive through it. I think the idea of public access that they have in Britain is an important part of helping people be able to access and enjoy the landscape.

  2. Lauren, are you enjoying your "enchanted adventure"? It seems to my you are, your descriptions and pics almost show a storybook tale, but then again, we do have cows right outside our subdivision! How about that grocery shopping, you worked at Krogers stocking shelves, do the English carry the same? Have fun, love mom

  3. From this side of the pond, I'd say you're experiencing something REALLY cool!!! I like the "cute horses" description. Aunt Karen would probably be "out there" with them. The home placement we've seen in Philly; right on the the street in the front, and a bit of a yard in the back. Mom just taught me how to do this....I've never BLOGGED before! Just to say HI !!! LOVE, DAD
