Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Number 3.

3. Note the emotiond you are feeling as you experience your study abroad program. Pay attention to how you react to new situations as will as the other people in your group. Notice how emotions are expressed in your American group and in groups of people in the place where you are staying.

Since I have arrived in England I have surprised myself in some ways. What surprises me is the way that I am taking everything in. Normally I would be kind of nervous figuring everything out and putting everything together so I would not hit any bumps in the road. But so far I am just relaxing and going with the flow. Also when I am learning something new, I haven't been asking many questions, but just taking everything in. Or trying to take as much in as possible. With Harlaxton manor, there is more than enough to try and take in. It seems like our group is very diverse with taking everything in. It is almost split in half. The first half take everything in and are very verbal with it, asking questions and things of that matter. Where the other half, me included, lets everything just soak in. I think that with different situations people will react almost the same way, as when they take information in. Either they speak their concern or just sit back and watch everything happen with nervous eyes. But I found that everyone here, including the people that live here are really relaxed. But I have to keep in mind that I have not been here that long. Also, the only people from the UK that I have met have been people affliated with the school. So they were very welcoming. they also have a charm to them, that I wish I could have.


  1. It is great that you can feel that relaxation in this new place. It makes living with daily novelty so much more pleasant. I guess it is also convenient to hang around with people who are asking lots of questions because you don't have to: you can just listen to their questions. The Go With the Flow/Soak It All In approach is a great way to experience the newness.

  2. Hi Lauren,
    Yes, soaking it in is a good approach, because there's a whole lot to let seep in. It can be overwhelming at first, even bewildering and unreal. Gradually it gets realer and realer and you come to appreciate it all on a deeper level. Have fun!
