Number 7. Notice people's attitude such as how people think about time, personal space, how to treat foreigners, or just general notions of what is right and what is wrong. Pay attention to how people respond to inappropriate behavior. Note what clues you use to figure out the attitudes of the people in the new place.
Since I have been in England I feel a lot is the same as it is back home. The only real difference is when someone is doing something 'inappropriate'. Everyone has different thought of what is and what is not appropriate. But in England it seems that if someone is breaking the rules, or behaving badly not many people will go out of their way to tell the person straight. This is the difference between here and home. In the US I feel if someone was cutting in line or something along those lines a strange would point it out in front of everyone, just to make that person stop. Or maybe not even to make them stop but to tell their opinion about the situation. Here I believe I have seem people wanting to say something but end up keeping their mouth shut. It could be that I am reading their body language wrong but I don't think so, obviously. When a person is staring at you giving you 'the eye', everyone knows that you should stop what you are doing. There are always those people that do not get those nice little looks. So then the annoyed person starts to cough a little. This is the closest I have seen someone here say something to someone who is behaving badly. I think that people back at home f