Thursday, June 18, 2009

Number 5.

5. Pay attention to how your daily habits of eating, washing, and entertainment work in this new place. Note what you have changed to accommodate the new facilities. Notice how your level of physical activity has changed.

When I first got here I figured that my normal habits would pretty much stay the same.. as much as they could. Things like going from having my own bathroom, room and shower I knew would change. But when I got here, I was surprised at how nice everything was. Not that I thought everything would be bad, but more like a college dorm back in the States. I am not to sure if it is the people staying here have more respect for the Manor or if its the staff that works here. Or a combination of both. All I know is that have almost no complaints so far. One thing that has changed is my physical activity. I try to be active as much as I can. Back at home I try to go running as much as I can in between work(s) and school. But the difference between this place and home is that home is not 5 flights of stairs to get to my room, and having class basically in the basement. Now today I was really really curious and I counted about 96 steps , one way going up. Now think, if a person goes up to they have to come down! And that is a LOT of steps. All a person has to do is look at the outside of the manor and see how huge it is! Anyway, it has given my calves a nice work out to say the least, but what can that hurt? Also, it is nice not to have to worry about rushing to work and spending all day/night there. With that time I get to do my short little 2 mile run, up and down the drive way. That helps me relive the small amount of stress that I have here. When I think about my eating habits it is hard to tell if there is any difference. I say this because when I am at home and I am busy I really do not eat that much. And here, we are always doing SOMETHING. So I have been keeping pretty busy and sticking to about 2 meals a day (I haven't made it to breakfast yet..oop's). I also can't complain about the food, so far they have not had anything I don't like. And if they do they have something I do like. One of the cool things that they do here is that they do not have any pop. The only drinks that they have is juice, coffee, tea and water. I feel like that is very interesting. Who needs massive amounts of sugar and liquid that will rot your teeth away? When I think of how to compare here to home and what I take for granted, there really is not much. There is really only one thing that i really take for granted. Now if you do not know me and your reading this, I don't care, you can judge me all you want. But unlike you the people that do know me will not be to surprised. So back to what I take for granted. I take for granted the toilets back home. The ones over here are just not comfortable. They are just so big and round I feel like I will fall in! And if that were to happen, it would be bad-news-bears. Lets just all hope that I don't slip and have that happen.

1 comment:

  1. do you think this posting will stick??? wanted to thank you for the toilet pic, how are those legs going, probably brings back days at mcauly, have fun with your new mom
